Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Auntie Em! Auntie Em!

I have a phobia of tornadoes.

Derek made every effort to get us internet and tv before tornado season so I could get some sleep.

Last night I watched weather report after weather report about the impending doom of tornadoes coming today. I could feel an ulcer forming. I prayed over my babies (husband included) and fretfully fell asleep.

This morning was calm and beautiful. So I managed to relax a little. Then I got 3 texts (I signed up for all the alerts I could find!) that we had a tornado watch.

As a result, I spent the entire morning preparing our "tornado shelter." And we've been hanging out in the basement ALL day.

I love this house.

Several google searches have helped me out here.

Our little Tornado Shelter under the stairs. We usually keep a few boxes of toys tucked away in here. I left a couple in there to pacify the babies if need be.

Blankets and pillows.

Important papers stuffed in a box full of kids books. Flashlights.

Food, water, diapers, wipes, Bible.

Candles, lighters, and first aid kit.

Carpet scraps will be our seats. Also sweaters for the kids.

Made sure the computer and phone were well charged. I think the dark, dreariness of the day made my baby girl very lazy. She loves Care Bears.

I brought the potty chair downstairs, too, to make life a little easier. Jack guarded that for me.

That's how we spent our morning! We are expecting the 3rd round of storms in a couple hours. Thankfully, though, we hardly got anything earlier.

I spent time in the Word and prayed quite a bit, but I found what really helped calm me down was when I prayed for those who have already been devastated by these and all the crazy storms racing across the country. It's amazing what happens when I get over myself and think outside my little world.

Speaking of others, here's a great post with some info on how to help! "How You Can Help the Tornado Victims."

I have so many other thoughts on all this but this post is plenty long enough! Maybe the next tornado-threatening day. Besides, I have a post scheduled for later tonight all about my sweet "niece" :)


  1. Lindsay,
    My sister had to "block" the weather channel.
    My nephew has a fear of storms. When he was about 3, my sister got caught near Simonton Lake on the way home with her 2 babies. A tornado was coming through. They literally were seeing trees drop behind the van. She stopped, grabbed both of them and ran to the nearest house. The little old lady there was so kind to bring them in and give them shelter. Seth apparently has kept that image in him since three years old! He now has become a genius at predicting storms.

    It just reminds me of one of my favorite songs from Casting Crowns:
    Praise You in This Storm
    words by Mark Hall/music by Mark Hall and Bernie Herms

    I was sure by now,God, that You would have reached down
    and wiped our tears away,
    stepped in and saved the day.
    But once again, I say amen
    and it's still raining
    as the thunder rolls
    I barely hear You whisper through the rain,
    "I'm with you"
    and as Your mercy falls
    I raise my hands and praise
    the God who gives and takes away.

    And I'll praise you in this storm
    and I will lift my hands
    for You are who You are
    no matter where I am
    and every tear I've cried
    You hold in your hand
    You never left my side
    and though my heart is torn
    I will praise You in this storm

    I remember when I stumbled in the wind
    You heard my cry to You
    and raised me up again
    my strength is almost gone how can I carry on
    if I can't find You
    and as the thunder rolls
    I barely hear You whisper through the rain
    "I'm with you"
    and as Your mercy falls
    I raise my hands and praise
    the God who gives and takes away


    I lift my eyes onto the hills
    where does my help come from?
    My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
    I lift my eyes onto the hills
    where does my help come from?
    My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth

    Lisa Zakowski

  2. Lindsay, I am right there with you. I am TERRIFIED of storms/tornadoes...we don't have a basement so that means I FREAK out like crazy whenever it starts storming. You did great preparing for it!

  3. Lisa - that is one of my biggest fears when it comes to tornadoes now that I have kids! I was supposed to go to the chiropractor today but canceled bc I couldn't imagine how I'd get the kids out of the car in time. Thank you for the encouragement!

  4. Tori - you don't have a basement?!? I refused to even look at a house without a basement. It really helps to have a plan and be prepared even without a basement!

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