2 years ago today you entered our world, improving it by leaps and bounds. It's so fascinating seeing how different you are from your sister and yet just as amazingly wonderful!
You never tire of giving great big hugs and that melts this momma's heart every time! You adore your dad and are happiest when we are all together as a family. That is what you have in common with mommy. But otherwise you are just like your dad. Your laid back demeanor, athleticism, matter-of-fact-ness, love of sleep, quiet sociableness. I wouldn't have it any other way. I love it!
You also are such a big helper! You like to help mommy clean and do laundry. You didn't get that from mommy or daddy, but that is just fine with us! Don't ever change.
I pray for you every night, that the Spirit will draw you to Himself. I pray that you will spend your life glorifying the Father, growing in Him, and impacting the world. I have confidence that you will do just that by the grace of God.
Very soon you will be a big brother. It breaks a little bit of my heart thinking about you no longer being the baby. Sometimes I worry a little that you will feel left out. Please know, Sweet Schnook, that there is nothing in the whole entire world that could possible cause me to love you even a smidgen less. I learned that the moment I laid eyes on you at 7:57am on July 1, 2010. I learned that I could love your dad with my whole heart, your sister with my whole heart, and still have so much love for you that my heart burst with it. I still get teary thinking about that moment. And somehow I love you more each day.
Jack Edward, I pray you live up to your namesakes. Continue the legacy of God-fearing men in the Jacobs and Johnson families. Love God with all you are.
And don't forget to always love your momma, too :)

We love you so much, JackJack.
Happy 2nd Birthday.
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