Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Weight Loss Update

Monday, April 22, was my deadline for reaching my weight-loss goal: Within 5lbs of pre-baby weight.

Praise God Almighty, I was one pound away from the weight I was the day I found out I was pregnant with Marie!

That is a total of 34lbs in 6 months.

I'm very excited about that victory, but also a little frustrated at myself because I know I could have hit that weight and even lower if I hadn't been slacking so much in the last few weeks. It really is completely the grace of God that got me where I am. I have to daily... no, moment by moment, deny myself and be filled with the Holy Spirit.

I fail... a lot.

My next goal is to reach the weight I was on our wedding day by Kempton's first birthday (August 7). That is only 5-6 pounds away! I would truly appreciate prayer to have continuous victory over my struggle with the sin of overeating/emotional-eating/careless-eating.

Now for what you all really want... (unedited) pictures! I'll tell you, this is hard for me! I have desperately avoided the camera for almost 5 years. Please be kind.

The day before Kempton was born...
204 lbs
On Kempton's 2 month birthday and shortly before the weight loss began...
175 lbs
I started the weight loss count at 175 pounds because that is when it stopped coming off without effort. And that's how much I weighed when God really got ahold of my struggles.

Here is a middle-of-the-process pic...
159 lbs
Aaaand currently...

141-143 lbs
How did I do it? Well, I didn't. God did. But if you're wanting specifics, I counted calories, added lifting heavy weights to my workouts, and listened to the Holy Spirit. Check out this post for more.

I've also had lots of support from amazing family and friends. Thank you!!

Look for the final update in August!


  1. WAY TO GO! It is so exhilarating to experience victory and sweet success! Praise the Lord for walking you through this time. I know deep down I have GOT to get a grip on this, too.... it's such a difficult thing - especially in a culture focused around eating. Bah! Good work and enjoy!

  2. This is so encouraging :) Don't beat yourself up too much. Though, it is disappointing to know that our own sinfulness holds us back, as you know it is even more encouraging to know that Christ always meets us where we are and helps us to continue to move forward! Thank you for sharing your journey it encourages me to continue in persevering in doing the good things that I am called to do in my own weight loss journey.


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