Friday, May 2, 2014

I envy you, coffee lovers.

This pregnancy has been the hardest of the four by far.

Laundry keeps getting forgotten in the machines...
We just recently emptied the dishwasher by using all the dishes out of it before I finally got to doing the dishes...
Working out consists of going up and down the stairs to deal with kids and bending over to fill the dustpan...
Marie told me I needed to sing the song that Daniel Tiger's mom told him to sing... "When I get so mad that I want to roar, take a deep breath and count to 4..."
I can't remember the last time I made a real dinner...
There is no such things as "comfortable" anymore...
I don't want to do anything. Don't make me do anything...

I know only moms can relate to this. And probably only moms that have very recently experienced this as it is quickly forgotten when hormones get back into some sort of balance and you no longer have a bowling ball hanging off the front of you.

But I'm telling you this because I want you to understand one of the reasons I envy coffee lovers. I hate coffee but oh, I could use a serious dose every morning, afternoon, and most evenings.

I envy you, coffee lovers.

And now, to add injury to insult, I have even more reason to envy you. And maybe even not like you very much. You get to use these...

Beautifully crocheted coffee sleeves, handmade by my sister-in-law. You need one of these. I need to learn to like coffee so I can have one of these.

Go HERE to purchase while supplies last!

Then, once you've received your awesome coffee sleeve, head over to The Living Room Coffee House to put them to good use. I might see you there, but I'll be suffering through a smoothie or some sort of non-coffee, sleeveless drink while envying your coffee-sleeved, energy boosting, coffee.

Go in peace, coffee lovers.

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